Aftercare Program
Affordable care for your child

Our nourishing environment
We understand parents often need their child to be cared for longer than the school day allows. During our aftercare we provide outdoor time, snack time and organized crafts or activities. Parents have the option of drop in or full time care. It is offered every day that school is in session (closed for holidays and teacher work days). During our aftercare we provide outdoor time and organized crafts or activities. Your child will need to bring an extra snack to aftercare.
The drop in rate is $15/day and our full time rate is $290 per month.
Extended Care
We offer extended care for our Primary Preschool 3 year olds on the Tuesday and Thursday until 2:30 PM at a rate of $50 per month. When choosing this option, care until 5:30 PM is available if needed. Before Care begins at 7:30am with a rate of $15/day. Drop in rate for Before and Aftercare for one day is $25.

“The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six.”